The data is clear: Culture is the most critical indicator of success.
Just like a culture in a lab dish will accommodate some organisms and not others, an organizational culture supports some results and not others. A robust culture produces optimum results. Ignoring culture is a liability.
Accounting for culture is the best way to maximize your assets and to position your organization or team for success. You can account for culture by measuring it with data-based, values-driven Assessments.
Cultural Assessments provide a coherent, 7-Level picture that connects your financial bottom line with your day-to-day reality and with your capacity to make a difference.

“Culture eats strategy for breakfast.” — Peter Drucker
A Cultural Assessment will:
- Measure your culture so you can manage it
- Give you a clear, 7-level picture of where things stand & what needs to change
- Establish exactly how your team is/is not aligned with where you want to go
- Provide a baseline for assessing development and for tracking progress
Data-based, Values-driven Assessments help:
- Reveal blind spots, growing edges & strengths
- Clarify needs & wants
- Identify entropy points that are draining resources
- Develop shared vision & a clear path to realizing it
- Leverage your team’s skills and talents by increasing coherence
- Increase retention, cooperation & stakeholder loyalty
- Spark Innovation
- Establish a clear, coherent, shared platform for strategic planning & organizational development
- Identify & close the gaps between where you are & where you want to be
- Capitalize on strengths & account for weaknesses
- Create a robust quadruple bottom line:
- People, Prosperity, Partnership, Peace & Planet
The Small Group Cultural Assessment Package includes:
- Meeting about Objectives & Assessment Details
- Up to 20 Participants taking an online, 20- 30 minute Assessment
- Debrief of Full Report & Way-Forward Session
- Optional: 5 Leadership Counsel Sessions