Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space is our power to choose a response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom. Victor Frankl
4 Simple Communication Rules
From success guru, Stephen Covey:
1. See the problem from the other point of view. Really seek to understand and to give expression to the needs and concerns of the other party as well as or better than they can themselves.
2. Identify the key issues and concerns (not positions) involved.
3. Determine what results would constitute a fully acceptable solution.
4. Identify possible new options to achieve those results.
My wildest radio interview yet!
I’ve done a lot of radio over many years but have never had a host who was literally raging from the political Far Right. Still, we agreed it’s time for transformation – not just the left or the right of the same old box. A new box – a new paradigm.
Joe Formicola Show, WPTF 04/18/15
Dr. Joni Carley discusses leadership in America
Our link with Universal Evolution
This quote provides often-overlooked context for whatever you’re working on:
“Everything that has ever happened in the history of the universe is the prelude to each of our lives. Everything that has happened from the beginning of time has become the platform from which we launch our lives.
We are the heirs of the long evolution of Spirit. Each of us is the latest unfolding of the event of Creation. Our bodies are composed of the material that was shaped in the Big Bang. And so, too, our spirits. The loving goodness of the universe breathes us and breathes through us, giving us life and consciousness, and the capacity to recognize and love others.”
– Rabbi Michael Lerner
Kosmos Journal on Culture
International Cultural Engagement:
Are We at the Tipping Point?
Daniel Beaudoin
Excellent take on the international paradigmatic shift by the Senior Adviser on Cultural Matters, Office of the Secretary General, EU External Service. Examined similar distinctions in my doctoral dissertation, Noble Seed/Royal Soil: the care and feeding of the royal person in 21st Century America